At dusk, our group took a walk "into the bush" with the native San Bushman (3 men, 5 women, and 2 babies). Their stature was exceptionally small, my 5'6" body towering over the biggest man. They had an uncanny knack for finding the roots of many different plants and tress to use them for purposes- some for medicinal healing, others for eating and drinking, and others for household necessities like ropes and animal traps. The San paused to make a fire by twisting two sticks repeatedly together. Smoke and heat were generated giving rise to a flame. Another amazing thing was watching one of the women bathe herself by squeezing a root until a milky-like substance came out (see picture). This was a true brief Kalahari shower. It is hard for me believe that people on this Earth still actually live so primitively. It is a great reminder of how God has blessed us with the things we need to survive.